
Old Republic Surety Underwrites Award-Winning Restoration Project The story of the Monroe Street Abbey restoration in Phoenix, Arizona, is one of vision and perseverance. Erected originally as a Baptist church in 1929, this ...
Lift Like A Pro: Mastering Proper Lifting Techniques Save Yourself from a Lifetime of Hurt Lifting heavy objects is a common task in various workplace settings. However, improperly lifting can lead to severe ...
Tractor Protection Tips For Seamless Roadside Inspections Stay Road-Ready Tractor protection systems are critically essential vehicle components that frequently go unnoticed during trip and roadside inspections. During ...
A Lost Art: The Submission Letter In the olden days, before Zoom or Microsoft TEAMS, or even before (gasp) email … when a surety agent would submit an account to a surety underwriter there was ...
Mastering Ladder Safety Practices Ensuring Your Safety at Every Step When working at heights, ladder safety is imperative to prevent accidents and injuries. Continue reading to learn our best ...
ERM-14 Request for Ownership Information – Love It or Hate It, It Still Needs to be Completed Businesses are always in the process of evolving. They may acquire or sell business operations or entities, they may reorganize or they may change their legal ...
Mergers & Acquisitions: Prepare To Insure Global Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) hit an all-time high in 2021, with a 24% increase in M&A deals and a 64% increase in the value of those deals over ...
Employee Advocacy Approach To Workers’ Compensation The workers’ compensation industry continues to shift to an employee advocacy-based model for claims, disability and nurse case management. That’s good news, as ...
TPA/Carrier Claims Culture Impacts Client Outcomes It is widely understood that the performance of a TPA/carrier’s claims staff impacts the success of a workers’ compensation program. When evaluating if a claims ...
7 Ways Data Analytics Can Improve Your Workers’ Compensation Program Risk managers are increasingly required to see around all corners of their workers’ compensation programs. That’s why many partner with insurers or third-party ...

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