
Claims Management Plan Best Practices Respond in a Timely and Effective Manner Navigating claims can be frightening, but implementing a claims management plan can streamline the process. Here at ...
Social Inflation & Claim Litigation Trends Anyone paying attention to the news recently has likely noticed what appears to be a trend of ever-increasing jury verdicts and claim settlements, as excessively ...
Large Claims Oversight & Closures A key benefit of an unbundled claim approach is it can provide additional oversight and consultation on complex coverage, severity and catastrophic losses, which ...
Employee Advocacy Approach To Workers’ Compensation The workers’ compensation industry continues to shift to an employee advocacy-based model for claims, disability and nurse case management. That’s good news, as ...
Lag Time and the Costs of Claims Lag time, which refers to the period of time between the date an incident occurred and the date that the claim is officially reported to the insurer, can be very ...
PMA Perspectives - COVID-19 & Workers' Compensation Claims Management This installment of PMA Perspectives features Ray DiCello, Senior Vice President of Claims & Chief Claims Officer, PMA Insurance Group, and Jim Walsh, Senior ...
Using Mock Trials as an Alternative Resolution Strategy In the age of our increasingly litigious society that has resulted in numerous runaway juries, nuclear verdicts, and new concepts such as the most recent “reptile ...

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