
4 Things You Need to Know About Workers’ Compensation Premium Audits Workers’ compensation coverage is a must for employers, which means the workers’ compensation audit is a necessary process as well. Regardless of the size of your ...
Lift Like A Pro: Mastering Proper Lifting Techniques Save Yourself from a Lifetime of Hurt Lifting heavy objects is a common task in various workplace settings. However, improperly lifting can lead to severe ...
Eight Ways To Improve Shop Safety A maintenance shop is full of hazards that can lead to a serious injury or illness. Below is a brief list of safe work practices to follow when working in or ...
Stress In The Workplace: Linking Employee Wellness & Workers' Compensation Strategies To Help Your Workforce We all have stress. The stress response is how our brain and body work together to overcome a challenge. This could be the routine stress of getting home from ...
Combatting Violence In The Workplace It was like any other fall day at a New Jersey automotive store when an agitated man entered the shop and headed upstairs to the office of his former girlfriend, ...
Hard Hats 101: How To Choose, Use & Maintain Your Gear Wearing a hard hat is a crucial aspect of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the head from potential injuries in hazardous workplaces. ...
The Merger Of Medical Care Technology & Workers' Compensation We hear about advances in medical care all the time; but when will we start seeing the impact? Will it be next year? The next 5 years or 10 years? How about right ...
Summer Safety Hazards: Protect Your Employees Working Outdoors From Heat Stress & Other Dangers The summer season brings with it workplace hazards that can harm employees. Now is the time to remind workers about seasonal dangers, including heat stress, sun ...
Engagement: Key to Creating Safer Workplaces Employee buy-in to safety can be challenging, yet can reap many benefits, including safer workers and decreased workers' compensation costs. Looking to advance ...
Safety Awareness – 5 Steps to an Effective Post-Injury Return-to-Work Program It is a sobering statistic: at least four million Americans have quit their jobs every month since July 2021 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 2022). There is no ...

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