
Fatigue, Slick Roads, Sun Glare Among Fall Road Hazards The start of school is here, and so are the seasonal hazards that increase the risk of truck crashes. Dispatchers, driver managers, and safety personnel should be ...
6 Key Emerging Technologies Improving Safety in the Workplace Technology in the workplace focusing on improved worker safety is constantly developing. Employers need to take notice and be continuously educated on emerging ...
Fleet Management: Understanding Telematics Actively monitored telematics programs and a distracted driving policy are key components of a successful fleet management program. They minimize the risks ...
The Essential 7 Driving Techniques Truck drivers were asked to identify the driving skills they felt were most effective in preventing crashes. They agreed on the Essential 7 Driving Techniques. ...
National Preparedness Month: Staying Safe During Natural Disasters Every September, the United States recognizes National Preparedness Month (NPM). The goal of NPM is to remind and encourage Americans to prepare for emergencies ...
Use Positive Spillover to Improve Safety Performance Have you ever noticed how people are influenced by those around them? Think of a neighborhood where one homeowner works very hard to keep his/her yard perfectly ...
Ask the Safety Representative: What is the Difference Between an AOBRD and an ELD? The short answer is that while they are quite similar, electronic logging devices (ELD) have enhanced functionality over automated onboard recording devices ...
It's That Time of Year Again! Quick Review of School Zone Safety Yes, school is back in session and that means school zone safety. We have all heard it said, “The biggest worries in school zones are caused by the smallest ...
The Essential 7 Work Practices Truck drivers, mechanics, and office workers were asked to identify the skills they felt were most effective in preventing workplace injuries. They agreed on the ...
Back to Basics In the frenzied pace of motor carrier operations, it is easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of fundamentals. For any business, three key ...

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